General terms and conditions of BiF electronic. These general terms and conditions are established by BiF electronic located in Liège (Belgium) and Achimota (Ghana), they apply to all offers and quotations. When you buy in the online shop, you acknowledge that you have read the general terms and conditions, the privacy policy and you accept them.
Delivery : After placing an order, BiF electronic will proceed with the delivery as quickly as reasonably possible. BiF electronic transfers orders in most cases within 24 hours to the carrier for shipment. Depending on the order flow and availability, the shipping time will be three working days at the latest. If BiF electronic cannot meet this requirement, we will inform you of the expected delivery time. If you do not agree with the delivery time, you can cancel the order free of charge and your payment will be refunded within five working days. The delivered items remain the property of BiF electronic until you have fulfilled all your (payment) obligations. BiF electronic applies different delivery conditions during holidays and public holidays. In this case, orders will not always be shipped within three working days. BiF electronic informs you of this on the website.
Transport : Shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer. Postal parcels are insured to a limited extent by the carrier. If you wish to use transport without tracking and/or insurance, the risks are borne by the recipient.
Prices : All prices on the website are exclusive of 21% VAT. All prices on the website are subject to typing and programming errors. No liability is accepted for the consequences of such errors.
Of course, the warranty provided in Europe is respected. Since BiF electronic usually supplies spare parts, the warranty for the individual parts of the delivered kit is guaranteed. BiF electronic is in no way responsible for the success of your project. If the warranty claim is honored by BiF electronic, it can be decided in consultation to repair the product, replace it or make financial compensation. The financial compensation will never exceed the new price of the delivered product.
Liability : Any liability of BiF electronic for any form of damage is excluded, such as direct, indirect, physical damage or loss of profit.
Buying remotely : BiF electronic applies a legal withdrawal period of 14 days provided that it concerns a delivery to consumers. This means that you can return the products within 14 days without giving any reason. BiF electronic will not reimburse the return costs. The right of withdrawal is only possible when the products are unused, undamaged and as new, packaging in perfect condition including all associated accessories. The costs incurred for the return are not reimbursed (only the complete order) within 30 days of the return to your bank account. Products that have been specially ordered for you in large quantities or that have been manufactured on special request do not benefit from the right of withdrawal.
Force Majeure : BiF electronic is not liable if we fail to comply with the agreement due to force majeure. Think of delivery problems at suppliers, carrier strikes, natural disasters, government measures, illnesses, power grid disruptions, internet disruptions and e-mail outages.
Privacy Policy : To process an order, BiF electronic needs personal information, such as your name, address and any other necessary data. BiF electronic will not provide your data to third parties under any circumstances.